Infinity Functional Performance

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Your Gut, Your Food, and Your Goals

Whether you want to lose weight or pack on pounds of muscle - it all starts at the gut.

It’s well known that when you eat food, it goes into your mouth, down into the stomach where it is broken down by different enzymes, juices, and bacteria, and then whatever our body doesn’t absorb comes out the other end. What might not be as well known - our gut health directly impacts our physical and mental health. The bacteria in our gut affects the way our brain works and can affect the way we think and feel. The gut is sometimes referred to as the “second brain” because of how closely the two systems interact. Unfortunately, the microbiome (the communities of bacteria that help us digest food) of our guts can be altered by the foods we eat, the things we drink, and the medications we take. When the balance of good and bad bacteria is changed, or we stop creating necessary enzymes for digestion, we start to experience symptoms like IBS/IBD, bloating and gas, headaches, rashes and chronic inflammation. All of these issues affect how our bodies are able to absorb nutrients, cause weight gain, and impair recovery from exercise.

Safe to say - the health of your gut directly impacts your overall health.

At Infinity Functional Performance, we recommend the 5R Protocol to help recover and restore proper gut health. Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair, Rebalance.

So what can you do to improve your gut health?

  1. Avoid foods that you have sensitivity or allergy to. The IgG Allergy test from Genova is a quick and easy way to see what possible foods your body doesn’t tolerate well. This is the first “R” of our 5R Program - Remove.

  2. Eat more prebiotics. Prebiotics are foods that help nourish the good bacteria of the gut. Things like sauerkraut, sourdough, greek yogurt, and other fermented foods are great examples. Strengtia from Apex energetics is the supplement we recommend as the Reinoculate part of the 5R Program.

  3. Repair the lining of your gut with supplements like RepairVite and GI-Synergy. These are essential to the Repair phase of the 5R program. The lining if the gut helps with absorption and enzyme secretion - both processes are crucial for nutrients getting into the body properly.

Take your gut health into your hands, and watch your body change for the better! Click HERE to take our gut health survey.

Learn more about gut dysbiosis here: