The Best ___ For Every Goal
Wouldn’t it be great if there was ONE diet to make you hit your weight loss goal, ONE food to help you pack on all the muscle you could dream of, ONE workout routine that would add 50 pounds to your current PR? It’s very easy to chase different avenues and go down the rabbit hole of finding the ONE thing to help us reach our goals. You might be reading this and think, “I’ve tried x,y,z diet and none of it works.” or “I can’t workout 5 days a week so I shouldn’t even bother going to the gym or hire a trainer.”
What if I told you that you don’t have to follow that TikTok workout plan to get in shape? What if I told you that there was a diet plan that could work for you? What if I told you that your plan doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s, and that your goals can be achieved in unique ways?
When it comes to making long-lasting, effective lifestyle changes, there is one question that is THE most important to ask to determine the effectiveness of any diet or workout plan. Do you enjoy it and can you stick to it?
For example, some people really enjoy going vegan. They enjoy eating vegetables and don’t mind leaving animal-based proteins out of their diet. If you really enjoy your scrambled eggs in the morning, or can’t stand carrots and broccoli, it really wouldn’t make sense for you to try going vegan. Or, if your schedule allows for a large fasting window followed by a small feeding window, maybe intermittent fasting would be a good method for you.
Remember: What worked really well for one person, doesn’t mean that it is the best option for you. (Yes, this includes your favorite influencer on social media or the guy who is at 5% body fat all year long.)
The same goes for exercise. If you don’t like getting wet, swimming might not be the activity for you. If you love being outside, maybe cycling or hiking would be more enjoyable than doing a spin class. Don’t like barbells? Then using dumbbells or machines, or even body weight is a great alternative.
Your health and fitness goals depend on you being consistent. Consistency is difficult when it involves doing something you don’t enjoy. Find that exercise you enjoy, and do it often! Your health is waiting, get active!